Monday 2 November 2015

The critical role of document control in workflow management

All sizes of businesses are concerned about the document control in their organisations. Document control plays a critical role in workflow management. Companies want to improve their document management without compromising security. Some companies are still not sure about going paperless with their organisations because they are afraid that they will end up losing control over their documents online.
PaperLess manages all your paperwork from scanning and adding documents to processing them in your accounting applications. Moreover, the PaperLess solution provides secure user rights control so your team will always be given the right access to the right documents.
First of all, in order for better document control, digitising documents as early as possible in the workflow process is crucial. Electronic document management within one workspace is much easier to handle than paperwork flying around the desks in different departments. PaperLess also enables businesses to add any documents (invoices, orders, agreements, holiday forms, etc.) from emails or computer directly to PaperLess workspace. Alternatively any paper document can be scanned into PaperLess.
Once the documents are digitised, and employees start dealing with electronic invoices, run the automatic invoice recognition to extract all the necessary data from invoices. For businesses that receive many invoices from the same supplier, PaperLess creates customised template so next time you run invoice recognition for invoices from the same supplier, the customised template will automatically be generated saving your organisation time editing the accounting lines over and over again.
The most notable thing for document control is to give your team the correct access rights for document approvals and project collaborations. This way there is no need to compromise company security. For example, a new project is assigned to your HR team in the PaperLess workspace. Employees are able to upload, view, and approve any documents. There is no need for them to view or edit any accounting transactions in PaperLess. Document control can be easily done with PaperLess by setting the right level of access for each of your team members so they are able to view certain documents in the PaperLess workspace without compromising organisation security.
Remote access is an additional way for a secure document control by being able to access to the documents online anywhere and anytime. Organisations can work remotely and are able to keep updated with any changes of the workflow management happening in the organisation. 
What our clients say about PaperLess
Amy Jones, Eventura’s Financial Controller
Chris Houghton, Eventura’s Owner
Contact Us
Phone Number: +44 (0) 207 135 2007

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